
Owner / Publisher: Bonnier Group
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Politial Affiliation: Right-wing
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Daily
Äripäev (Estonian for "business day") was founded in 1989. Published in Estonian, Äripäev is a financial newspaper that is distributed five times a week. In 2007, the Society for News Design named Äripäev one of the top four best designed newspapers in the world. The readership of Äripäev is primarily composed of business professionals, from entrepreneurs to executives.

Baltic Review
Owner / Publisher: Dr. Ingvar Henry Lotts
Language: English
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news, sports, business, entertainment
Frequency: Monthly
The Baltic Review is a monthly, English-language newspaper distributed throughout the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). In addition to featuring articles about local and global news, the Baltic Review staff produce a German-language edition entitled Baltische Rundschau. The Baltic Review also includes articles about sports, business, and entertainment.
Baltische Rundschau
Owner / Publisher: Internationale Medienhilfe
Language: German
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Monthtly

Den za Dnjom
Owner / Publisher: Postimees
Language: Russian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Weekly
Den za Dnjom (Russian for "day by day") is a weekly, Russian-language newspaper produced in Estonia. Den za Dnjom provides its readers with articles containing information about current events, local and international, as well as editorial analysis and opinion pieces. The paper additionally includes a TV guide, a women's magazine, and a lifestyle publication.

Eesti Päevaleht
Owner / Publisher: AS Ekspress Grupp/Eesti Päevalehe AS
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Politial Affiliation: Right-wing
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news, sports, technology
Frequency: Daily
Eesti Päevaleht (Estonian for "Estonian Times") is a prominent daily newspaper focused on local and global news. Founded in 1995, Eesti Päevaleht was born out of a merger of three other newspapers: Hommikuleht, Päevaleht, and Rahva Hääl. Eesti Päevaleht additionally features extensive sports pages, and editorial commentary on current events such as the economy and the most recent technology news.

Owner / Publisher: Rukon-Info AS
Language: Russian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news, sports, business, entertainment
Frequency: Weekly
Estonija is a Russian-language, weekly newspaper specializing in producing articles on local and global news, business, politics, sports, culture, and other topics.

Owner / Publisher: NGO Free Press
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Politial Affiliation: Centrist
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news, politics, economics, history, culture
Frequency: Weekly
Kesknädal is a weekly, Estonian-language newspaper. Distributed on Wednesdays, Kesknädal features articles about local and global news, politics, economics, history, culture, and other subjects. Additionally, Kesknädal includes editorial commentaries and letters to the editor.
Molodezh Estonii
Owner / Publisher: Molodjozh Estonii
Language: Russian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Daily
Nasz Czas
Owner / Publisher: Nasz Czas
Language: Polish
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: General news
Frequency: Monthly
Nelli Teataja
Owner / Publisher: Nelli Teataja
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Weekly

Owner / Publisher: Eesti Media Group/AS Postimees
Language: Estonian
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news, sports, business, entertainment
Frequency: Daily
Postimees was founded in 1857, and is the oldest newspaper in Estonia. In 1891, Postimees became the first daily newspaper to be circulated in Estonia. Today, Postimees maintains the highest circulation and readership rates in both Estonia and in Tallinn. Postimees features articles about the economy, sports, and other current event topics.

The Baltic Times
Owner / Publisher: Baltic News Ltd.
Language: English
Region Served / Publication Area: National
Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news
Frequency: Monthly
The Baltic Times is the result of a merger between the Baltic Independent and the Baltic Observer that took place in 1996. The Baltic Times is one of the only English-language newspaper currently covering and circulating throughout all of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). Distributed monthly, The Baltic Times features articles about political, economic, business, and cultural events in the Baltic States.
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