Estonia Recipes Estonian Ham and Cheese Rolls These baked rolls combine the texture of fresh,... Keel Hernestega (Spiced Beef Tongue) Keel hernestega is a quintessential Estonian... Suitsukala (Smoked Fish) Suitsukala is smoked fish, prepared from any one... Verivorst (Blood Sausage) Verivorst is a traditional Estonian blood sausage... Cabbage Cream Soup Estonian cuisine generally revolves around meat... Nõgesesupp (Nettle Soup) An Estonian specialty, nõgesesupp is a light,... Rosolje (Beet and Potato Salad) A popular party food in Estonia, rosolje is a... Marineeritud Angerjas (Pickled Eel) Marineeritud angerjas, or pickled eel, is a very... Sült (Meat Jelly) A traditional winter preserve in Estonia, jellied... Võrtsjärv Suitsukala (Meat and Vegetable Casserole) This local, dairy-based casserole is simple... Mulgikapsad (Sauerkraut with Pork and Barley) A traditional dish hailing from southern Estonia,... Kissel (Cranberry Soup) A thin pudding or dessert soup, kissel is common... Copyright © 1993—2025 World Trade Press. All rights reserved.