15 Essential Words and Phrases

Conducting business in a country with an unfamiliar language can be intimidating. However, doing so can provide untold opportunities for not just professional expansion but also personal growth. Knowing—and being able to comfortably use—15 or so key words and phrases in the relevant foreign language can significantly enhance business interactions by fostering a sense of cultural appreciation and understanding. This can lead to stronger rapport with clients and partners, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful negotiations and business deals. Moreover, being able to engage in basic conversations in the local language can make the overall business experience more enjoyable and rewarding, creating memorable and meaningful connections with locals.
Word or Phrase in English | Word or Phrase in Estonian | Phonetic Pronunciation |
Hello (daytime) | Tere | TEHR-reh |
Hello (evening) | Tere | TEHR-reh |
Hello (on the telephone) | Halloo | ha-lo |
Goodbye | Head aega | HEH-ahd AH-eh-gah |
Yes | Jah | YAHH |
No | Ei | ay |
Excuse me; I'm sorry | Vabanda; Vabandust | VAH-bahn-dah; VAH-bahn-doost |
My name is _____ | Minu nimi on | MEE-noo NEE-mee ohn |
What is your name? | Mis teie nimi on? | Mis te je ni mi on? |
Pleased to meet you | Meeldiv tutvuda | mayl-div tut-vu-da |
How are you? | Kuidas sul läheb? | Kui-das sool la-heb? |
Please | Palun | PAH-loon |
Thank you | Tänan | TA-nahn |
Do you speak English? | Kas te räägite inglise keelt? | kas te ra-ge-da ing-li-sa kelt? |
I don't understand | Ma ei saa aru | ma ai sah a-ru |
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